Whistle blowers Act Passed with 90 Parliamentarians Supporting the Bill

PNG Whistle Blowers Act Passed by Parliament
In the journey to put in systems in place to further address fighting corruption in our country, today 90 parliamentarians ( including four opposition MPs ) took note of ICAC and passed to Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Laws and Acts and Subordinate Legislation.
This should take two months and then we should be good to go.

Same 90 Honorable Leaders voted the whistle blowers act to protect witnesses who will testify against corruption practitioners.

I thank the MPs, many time our citizens complain of their lack of action , but they are working here.

Parliamentarians are doing our job by passing relevant laws, it is now up to those of you with evidences of corruption to rise above fear, wantok system, nepotism , bribery , hearsay. Politics etc and report corruption and assist prosecuting corruption.

Personally I look forward to ICAC functioning and relate positively with police and ombudsman going into the future.  We will appoint credible non PNGeans and known corruption fighters in PNG into ICAC to make it work.

I know I will not be PM for ever but my colleagues and I in parliament want to leave behind a safer political and public service system for our country going forward.

That’s the least we can do. Below is the list of MPs who supported ICAC and Whistle blowers Act, which is presently championed by our hardworking AG and Justice Minister who presented these laws. Deputy Speaker precided over the proceedings.
